How to Pronounce Julaybib

जुलेबीब Speak Name Julaybib in 0 Different Languages

Julaybib is bay boy name, main origion is Arabic. English meanings of Julaybib is "Brave Martyr, A Companion of the Prophet saaws who was dwarfed, described as ugly, and of unknown lineage, yet the Prophet saaws found great favor in him, selecting a wife for him, and saying, He is of me and I am of him" when Julaybib died as a mart" and popular in Muslim religion.

Julaybib name meaning & details

Write & Pronounce Julaybib in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Bangla


Write Julaybib in Urdu


Write Julaybib in Hindi


Write Julaybib in Arabic


Write Julaybib in Bangla