List of Norwegian Baby Names Meanings Starting with (Su) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Norwegian origin.
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  • Surtr
    In Norse mythology, Surtr (/ˈsɜːrtər/; Old Norse "black" or "the swarthy one") is a jötunn. Surtr is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
    Meaning: A mythical giant Origin: Norwegian
  • Suthrland
    Sutherland Name Meaning. Scottish: regional name from the former county of this name, so named from Old Norse suðr 'south' + land 'land' because the territory lay south of Scandinavia and the Norse colonies in the Orkney and Shetland Islands.
    Meaning: From the south Origin: Norwegian