Famous people born today

Matthew Rhys

Matthew Rhys is an actor from Wales known for his role in the series ‘The Americans.’ Check out this biography to know about his birthday, childhood, family life, achievements and fun facts about him.

Born: 04 November 1974/ British

Guy Martin

Guy Martin is a British lorry-mechanic, best known as a motorcycle racer and television presenter. Check out this biography to know about his childhood, family, personal life, achievements, etc.

Born: 04 November 1981/ British

Danielle Mansutti

Danielle Mansutti is an English YouTube star known for her beauty vlogs. Check out this biography to know about her birthday, childhood, family life, achievements, and fun facts about her.

Born: 04 November 1994/ British

Milind Soman

Born: 04 November 1965/ British

Warren Christie

Born: 04 November 1975/ British

Justine Waddell

Born: 04 November 1976/ British

Nik Powell

Born: 04 November 1951/ British

Harry Ferguson

Born: 04 November 1884/ British

Edmund Kean

Born: 04 November 1787/ British

Michael Meacher

Born: 04 November 1939/ British

Eden Phillpotts

Born: 04 November 1862/ British

James Montgomery

Born: 04 November 1771/ British

J.R. Ackerley

Born: 04 November 1896/ British

Frank Benson

Born: 04 November 1858/ British

Famous People From The World