Famous people born today

Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham was a noted English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer, best remembered for his theory of utilitarianism. Check out this biography to know about his childhood, family life, achievements and other facts related to his life.

Born: 15 February 1748/ British

Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour is an English actress and is well-known for her performances in the James Bond films ‘Live and Let Die’ and ‘Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman’. Explore this biography to learn more about her childhood, life, works, achievements and timeline.

Born: 15 February 1951/ British

Sir Ernest Shackleton

Antarctic explorer

Ernest Shackleton was a celebrated Anglo-Irish polar explorer. This biography profiles his childhood, career, major expeditions, explorations, achievements and timeline.

Born: 15 February 1874/ British

Claire Boom

Claire Bloom is a British actress who is best known for her role in the Charlie Chaplin movie ‘Limelight’. Read this biography to know her birthday, childhood, achievements, family life and other fun facts.

Born: 15 February 1931/ British

Callum Turner

Born: 15 February 1990/ British

Owen Jones

Born: 15 February 1809/ British

Clare Short

Born: 15 February 1946/ British

Sax Rohmer

Born: 15 February 1883/ British

Halford Mackinder

Born: 15 February 1861/ British

Abraham Clark

Born: 15 February 1726/ British

George Mikes

Born: 15 February 1912/ British

Famous People From The World