Famous people born today

Paul Cezanne

Paul Cezanne was an influential post-impressionist painter known for his radically intense style, bold colours and brushstrokes. Go through this biography to learn more about his profile, childhood, life and timeline.

Born: 19 January 1839/ French

Francis II Of France

Francis II of France was the eldest son of King Henry II and Catherine de’ Medici. Check out this biography for more information about his childhood, family, personal life, etc.

Born: 19 January 1544/ French

Auguste Comte

Auguste Comte was a renowned French philosopher who introduced sociology and positivism. This biography of Comte provides detailed information about his childhood, life, work, achievements & timeline.

Born: 19 January 1798/ French

Damien Chazelle

Born: 19 January 1985/ French

Eugène Brieux

Born: 19 January 1858/ French

Noël Alexandre

Born: 19 January 1639/ French

Famous People From The World