Famous people born today

Samuel Benchetrit

Samuel Benchetrit is a French writer, actor, and director. Check out this biography to know about his childhood, family, personal life, etc.

Born: 26 June 1973/ French

Charles Messier

Charles Messier was a noted French astronomer, who discovered the nebulae and star clusters. Check out this biography to know about his childhood, family life, achievements and other facts related to his life.

Born: 26 June 1730/ French

Joseph Ducreux

Born: 26 June 1735/ French

Violette Szabo

Born: 26 June 1921/ French

Petrus Borel

Born: 26 June 1809/ French

Aime Cesaire

Born: 26 June 1913/ French

Marie-Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin

Born: 26 June 1699/ French

Famous People From The World