Famous people born today

Wilhelm Mohnke

Wilhelm Mohnke was a Nazi soldier who was an original member of the SS Staff Guard. Check out this biography to know about his birthday, childhood, family life, achievements and fun facts about him.

Born: 15 March 1911/ German

Emil Adolf Von Behring

Emil Behring was a famous German physiologist who won the Nobel Prize for discovering an antitoxin for diphtheria. To know more about his childhood, career, profile and timeline read on

Born: 15 March 1854/ German

Walter Gotell

Born: 15 March 1924/ German

Markus Merk

Born: 15 March 1962/ German

Max Schultze

Born: 15 March 1825/ German

George Bähr

Born: 15 March 1666/ German

Famous People From The World