List of English, Latin Baby Names Meanings

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 7 unique names in our collection from English, latin origin.
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  • Africa - AF-ri-kə
    The origin of Afer may either come from: -the Phoenician `afar, dust; -the Afri, a tribe—possibly Berber—who dwelt in North Africa in the Carthage area; -the Greek word aphrike, meaning without cold; -or the Latin word aprica, meaning sunny.
    Meaning: Cave Origin: English, Latin
  • Chambers - CHAMB-ərs
    The surname Chambers was an occupational name for a servant in the bedroom of a nobleman. Further research revealed that the name is derived from the Old French word "chambre" which means room, and refers to someone of the title chamberlain, which later came to signify a more administrative office in noble households.
    Meaning: Maintaining chambers Origin: English, Latin
  • Corvin - KOHR-vin
    The name Corvin comes from the Latin name Corvinus which derives from the Latin word corvus meaning raven, although the word today refers to the birds' genus including ravens and crows among others. Corvin most commonly is a surname, but it and its variations are being used as a given name as well.
    Meaning: A raven Origin: English, Latin
  • Duke - DOOK
    The name Duke is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Duke is: The royalty title used as nickname or given name. Also an abbreviation of Marmaduke. Famous bearer: American jazz musician Duke Ellington.
    Meaning: A leader of men Origin: English, Latin
  • Erroll - AIR-əl
    The name Errol is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Errol is: Army commander. Army, weald power. Also can be a, meaning nobleman. Famous bearer: Australian actor Errol Flynn.
    Meaning: Earl or nobleman Origin: English, Latin
  • Gaines - GAYNZ
    Gaines Name Meaning. English (of Norman origin): nickname for a crafty or ingenious person, from a reduced form of Old French engaine 'ingenuity', 'trickery' (Latin ingenium 'native wit'). The word was also used in a concrete sense of a stratagem or device, particularly a trap.
    Meaning: Ingenious or clever man Origin: English, Latin
  • Judge - JUHDJ
    Judge Family History. Judge Name Meaning. English: occupational name for an officer of justice or a nickname for a solemn and authoritative person thought to behave like a judge, from Middle English, Old French juge (Latin iudex, from ius 'law' + dicere to say), which replaced the Old English term dema.
    Meaning: To judge Origin: English, Latin