List of Gaelic, Greek Baby Names Meanings

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 3 unique names in our collection from Gaelic, greek origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Gaelic, greek below:

  • Bronte - BRAHN-tee
    An ancient Greek name, from the Greek word "bronte", means "the sound of the thunder" in Greek. In Greek mythology Brontes was a Cyclops, the personification of "bronte". ... I always thought Bronte was a French name.
    Meaning: Receiver Origin: Gaelic, Greek
  • Evander - ee-VAN-dər
    Variant of Evandrus, the Latin form of the Greek name Ευανδρος (Euandros), derived from Greek ευ (eu) meaning "good" and ανηρ (aner) meaning "man" (genitive ανδρος). In Roman mythology Evander was an Arcadian hero of the Trojan War who founded the city of Pallantium near the spot where Rome was later built.
    Meaning: Good man Origin: Gaelic, Greek
  • Ferris - FEH-ris
    The name Ferris is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Ferris is: Rock.
    Meaning: Man of vigor Origin: Gaelic, Greek