Top Collection Of 100 Baby Girl Names Starting With Aw


Awa (or Hawa) is an African feminine given name derived from Eve, Notable people with the name include: Awa Marie Coll Seck (born 1951), Senegalese Executive Director of The Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership.
Awani name brief: Awani is baby girl name mainly popular in Hindu religion and its main origin is Hindi. Awani name meanings is Devotee of Goddess Durga. Awani is written in Hindi as अवनी.
'Awatif is a Muslim name for girls meaning Emotions. Read below for 'Awatif's celebrity and ruler associations, and numerological meanings. If 'Awatif is the one, congratulations!


Find out how the meaning of Awez and the energy of your name have shaped your life. Request a Free Name Report. Your name of Awez gives you self-assurance, independence, and confidence. You have depth of mind and the ability to concentrate and to follow a line of thought to a logical conclusion.
Awala Name meaning in Urdu is دولت و ثروت، اول، مال و رز, a Muslim -- Girl name with lucky number is 7 and Awala Name meaning in English is Wealth.
Awarish is a Muslim Girl name, Awarish name meaning is Rules, character, and the lucky number associated with Awarish is 2.
Awada is a Muslim Girl name, Awada name meaning is A perfume and the lucky number associated with Awada is 4. Awada is a unique name with impressive meaning. It belongs to Arabic origin. You can find name meaning of Awada in both English & Urdu, and other languages as well.
The different meanings of the name Awena are: Welsh meaning: Muse. Swahili meaning: Gentle.
Awinah is muslim arabic name for babygirl mostly popular in islamic famlies. The meaning of Awinah isInnocent. The poeple have viewed this name 1806 times.
Native American Meaning: The name Awinita is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Awinita is: Fawn.


Meaning of the name Awais. Awais has a meaning of 'gifted' or 'bestowed'. It was the name of one of the prophet Mohammed's companions.
Awenita is a baby girl name its meaning is fawn. Mostly popular in christian religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1566 times.
Native American Meaning: The name Awenasa is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Awenasa is: My home.


Awen is a Welsh, Cornish and Breton word for "(poetic) inspiration". In the Welsh tradition, awen is the inspiration of the poet bards; or, in its personification, Awen is the inspirational muse of creative artists in general: the inspired individual (often a poet or a soothsayer) is described as an awenydd.
The meaning of the name Awentia is Fawn. The origin of the name Awentia is Native American. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language.
Awanata is a baby girl name its meaning is turtle. Mostly popular in christian religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1364 times.


Welsh Meaning: The name Awel is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Awel is: Breeze.


Maori Meaning: The name Awhina is a Maori baby name. In Maori the meaning of the name Awhina is: Helper, supporter.


The name Asta is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "divine strength".


Aweema is a baby girl name its meaning is . Mostly popular in religion. The poeple have viewed this name 732 times.