Top Collection Of 100 Christian Baby Boy Names Ending With Kh

Kywrkh is a baby boy name its meaning is legendary son of cleddyv. Mostly popular in christian religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1350 times.
Syvwkh is a baby boy name its meaning is legendary son of cleddyv kyvwich. Mostly popular in christian religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1166 times.
Sutekh is a baby boy name its meaning is son of seb and nut. Mostly popular in christian religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1043 times.
Sukh signifies the following: "Sukh" means happiness in Sanskrit, and various dialects spoken in India such as Hindi, Sindhi and Punjabi which is opposite of "Dukh" Sadness. the short name Sükh (meaning "axe") of a Mongolian revolutionary, see Damdin Sükhbaatar.