Famous people born today

Katya Elise Henry

Check out all that you wanted to know about Katya Elise Henry, the famous model & Instagram star; her rise to stardom, personal life, trivia facts and lots more.

Born: 14 June 1994/ American

Che Guevara

Che Guevara is one of the most revered and legendary political figures in world history. Go through this biography to get a detailed account of his life, profile and works.

Born: 14 June 1928/ Argentinian

Charles Augustin De Coulomb

Charles Coulomb was the French physicist who developed Coulomb’s law. This biography of Charles Coulomb provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline.

Born: 14 June 1736/ French

Bryce Maximus James

LeBron James Son

Bryce Maximus James is the son of basketball star LeBron James and his wife, Savannah Brinson. Check out this biography to know about his family, birthday, age, etc.

Born: 14 June 2007/ American

Boy George

Boy George is an English singer and lyricist who was also the lead singer of the English pop band ‘Culture Club’. Check out this biography to get detailed information on his life.

Born: 14 June 1961/ British

Ahmad Zahir

Born: 14 June 1946/ Afghan

Jacques Torres

Born: 14 June 1959/ Algerian

Ward Hunt

Born: 14 June 1810/ American

J.R. Martinez

Born: 14 June 1983/ American

Kevin McHale

Born: 14 June 1988/ American

Kevin Roche

Born: 14 June 1922/ American

Eric Heiden

Born: 14 June 1958/ American

Cameron Russell

Born: 14 June 1987/ American

Torrance Coombs

Born: 14 June 1983/ American

Marla Gibbs

Born: 14 June 1931/ American

Gene Barry

Born: 14 June 1919/ American

Famous People From The World