Famous people born today

Devin Ramirez

Check out all that you wanted to know about Devin Ramirez, the famous Musical.ly (now known as TikTok) Star; her birthday, her family and personal life, fun trivia facts and more.

Born: 26 December 2003/ American

Charles Babbage

Father of the computer

Charles Babbage is regarded as the father of modern computers. This biography profiles his childhood, life & timeline.

Born: 26 December 1791/ British

Beth Behrs

Beth Behrs is an American actress. Check out this biography to know about her childhood, family life, achievements and fun facts about her.

Born: 26 December 1985/ American

Baba Amte

Baba Amte was an Indian social activist best remembered for his work for rehabilitation of leprosy patients. This biography of Baba Amte provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline.

Born: 26 December 1914/ Indian

Alan King

Alan King was an American actor and comedian known for his angry humorous rants. This biography of Alan King provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline.

Born: 26 December 1927/ American

Aksel Lund Svindal


Aksel Lund Svindal is a Norwegian alpine ski racer. This biography provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements and timeline

Born: 26 December 1982/ Norwegian

Isaiah Bowman

Born: 26 December 1878/ American

Martin Cooper

Born: 26 December 1928/ American

Lonne Elder III

Born: 26 December 1927/ American

Earle Brown

Born: 26 December 1926/ American

Thomas Nelson Jr.

American statesman
Born: 26 December 1738/ American

Rose Mary Woods

Born: 26 December 1917/ American

Samuel Sevian

Born: 26 December 2000/ American

Susan Butcher

Born: 26 December 1954/ American

Jean Toomer

Born: 26 December 1894/ American

Jay Glazer

Born: 26 December 1969/ American

Elisha Cook Jr.

Born: 26 December 1903/ American

Carlton Fisk

Born: 26 December 1947/ American

Famous People From The World