Famous people born today

Ian Carter (iDubbbz)

Check out all that you wanted to know about Ian Carter (iDubbbzTV), the famous YouTube star; his birthday, personal details, trivia facts and lots more.

Born: 27 July 1991/ American

Eugenia Cooney

Check out all that you wanted to know about Eugenia Cooney, the famous American Vlogger & YouTube Personality; her birthday, her family and personal life, her boyfriends, fun trivia facts and more.

Born: 27 July 1994/ American

Charlotte Corday

Charlotte Corday was a French moderate who was active during the French Revolution. Check out this biography to know about her birthday, childhood, family life, achievements and fun facts about her.

Born: 27 July 1768/ French

Charlie Zelenoff

Charlie Zelenoff is a Russian-American internet personality, best known for posting boxing-related videos on YouTube. Check out this biography to know about his family, personal life, etc.

Born: 27 July 1988/ American

Casey Lavere Butler

Casey Lavere Butler is a famous American web personality and famous video blogger. Let’s have a look at his family, personal life, net worth, age, birthday, and some fun facts.

Born: 27 July 1981/ American

Blair Redford

Blair Redford is an American actor known for his role in the television series ‘Passions’. Check out this biography to know about his childhood, family life, achievements and fun facts about him.

Born: 27 July 1983/ American

Bethany Grieve

Bethany Grieve is a Canadian gymnast and YouTuber. Check out this biography to know about her family, personal life, career, etc.

Born: 27 July 2004/ Canadian

Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez is an American baseball third baseman for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball. Check out this biography to get detailed information on his childhood, life and timeline.

Born: 27 July 1975/ American

Abby Roberts

Abby Roberts is an English Instagrammer and social media influencer. Check out this biography to know about her birthday, childhood, family life, achievements, and fun facts about her.

Born: 27 July 2001/ British

Jason Zimbler

Born: 27 July 1977/ American

John M. Deutch

American government official
Born: 27 July 1938/ American

Nick Reynolds

Born: 27 July 1933/ American

Rex Brown

Born: 27 July 1964/ American

Lou Taylor Pucci

Born: 27 July 1985/ American

Carol Leifer

Born: 27 July 1956/ American

Famous People From The World