Famous Medical Researchers Biography, Family, Children

Jonas Salk

Jonas Salk was a famous American virologist and medical researcher who discovered the polio vaccine. To know more about his childhood, career, profile and timeline read on.

Born: 28 October 1914/ American

George Richards Minot

George Richards Minot was an eminent American medical researcher, who is remembered for his revolutionary achievement in field of hematology. Read further to know about his profile, childhood, life and timeline.

Born: 02 December 1885/ American

Daniel Carleton Gajdusek

Physician and medical researcher

Daniel Carleton Gajdusek was a physician and medical researcher. Read on to know more about his profile, childhood, life and timeline in this biography.

Born: 09 September 1923/ American

Joep Lange

Born: 25 September 1954/ Dutch

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