List of American Baby Names Meanings Starting with (A) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 157 unique names in our collection from American origin.
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  • Ayasha
    The name Ayasha is a Female name. Arabic meaning: The name Ayasha is a Arabic baby name The Arabic meaning of Ayasha is: Woman, Life.
    Meaning: Little one Origin: Native American
  • Ayashe
    Native American Meaning: The name Ayashe is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Ayashe is: Little one.
    Meaning: Little one Origin: Native American
  • Ayawamat
    The name Ayawamat is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Ayawamat is: One who follows orders.
    Meaning: One who follows orders Origin: Native-american
  • Ayiana
    Ayiana Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity. Save to list. What does Ayiana mean? Eternal bloom.
    Meaning: Eternal bloom Origin: American Indian
  • Aylen - eye-LEHN
    Meanings and history of the name Aylen: | Edit. Aylen is Native American (Mapuche) in origin and means "happiness" or "clear".
    Meaning: Joy Origin: Native American
  • Ayzaria
    Meaning: Princess Origin: Native American
  • Azmera
    A-zme-ra, az-m-era ] The baby girl name Azmera is also used as a boy name. It is pronounced AEZMEHRAH †. Azmera has its origins in the African language. The name Azmera means 'a great harvester'. Forms of Azmera include the names Azmerah, Azmerra, and Azmerrah.
    Meaning: Of Ethiopian origin, meaning harvest. Origin: Native American