List of Brazilian Baby Names Meanings Starting with (B) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 39 unique names in our collection from Brazilian origin.
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  • Borska
    Meaning: Stranger Origin: Brazilian
  • Bremusa
    In Greek Mythology, Bremusa (Greek: Βρεμούσα) was one of 12 Amazonian warriors. Her name means "Raging Female". She was born in Themiskyra in 1204 BC and fought with Penthesilea. She was killed outside of Troy, by Idomeneus, son of Deucalion.
    Meaning: An amazon Origin: Brazilian
  • Brends
    Of uncertain origin and meaning, Brenda is thought to be a Celtic name originating in the Shetland Islands and derived fro brandr (the blade of a sword). Alternatively, it might be a feminine form of the obsolete Brandolf (sword wolf).
    Meaning: Victorious Origin: Brazilian
  • Britania
    The name is a Latinisation of the native Brittonic word for the island, Pretanī, which also produced the Greek form Prettanike or Brettaniai, which originally, in the fourth to the first centuries BC, designated a collection of islands with individual names, including Albion or Britain.
    Meaning: A poetic name for great britain Origin: Brazilian
  • Brittanya
    The name Brittanya is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Brittanya is: A poetic name for Great Britain.
    Meaning: A poetic name for great britain Origin: Brazilian
  • Bromius
    Bromius is another name for Dionysus, the son of Semele and Zeus. ... Despite his half-mortal heritage, Bromius is a true god as opposed to a demi-god on account of being born from Zeus – the “twice-born god”.
    Meaning: God of wine Origin: Brazilian
  • Brutus
    Meaning: Stupid Origin: Brazilian
  • Bubona
    Augustine mocks Bubona as one of the minor Roman deities whose names correspond to their functions, and derives her name from the Latin word bos (genitive bovis, hence English "bovine"), which usually means "ox" in the singular and "cattle" in the plural (bubus in the dative and ablative plural; compare bubulcus, one ...
    Meaning: Goddess of cattle Origin: Brazilian
  • Bucer
    The name Bucher is derived from the German word "buoche," which means "beech tree." The name was taken on both people and by some places. ... The surname Bucher may have been taken on by someone who lived near a beech tree or beech grove, or may have come from someone who lived in one the places so named.
    Meaning: Horned Origin: Brazilian