List of Celtic Baby Names Meanings Starting with (B) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 46 unique names in our collection from Celtic origin.
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  • Bricriu
    Meaning: The poison tongued. Origin: Celtic
  • Brid
    16% this week. Gender: Female Pronunciation: breed Meaning of Brid: "strength or exalted one" Origin of Brid: Irish form of Bridget.
    Meaning: Strong. Origin: Celtic
  • Bride
    Bride Name Meaning. Irish and Scottish: reduced form of McBride.
    Meaning: A variant of the Celtic Bridget, meaning strong. Although Bride was once a common name in England and Scotland, it is rarely seen today. Origin: Celtic
  • Brieg
    Breig Name Meaning. variant of Braig, a habitational name from any of several places so named in Württemberg.
    Meaning: Esteem Origin: Celtic
  • Brienna
    Celtic Meaning: The name Brienna is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brienna is: Strong. She ascends. Feminine of Brian.
    Meaning: Strong. She ascends. Feminine of Brian. Origin: Celtic
  • Brienne
    The name Brienne is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brienne is: Strong. She ascends. Feminine of Brian.
    Meaning: Strong. She ascends. Feminine of Brian. Origin: Celtic
  • Brietta
    The name Brietta is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brietta is: Strong.
    Meaning: Strong Origin: Celtic
  • Brighid
    Celtic Meaning: The name Brighid is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brighid is: Strong.
    Meaning: Strong. Origin: Celtic
  • Brigit
    Irish Meaning: The name Brigit is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Brigit is: Derived from the Irish name Brighid, meaning 'the high one' or 'strength.' Brighid was a mythological Celtic goddess of fire and poetry.
    Meaning: Form of BRIDGET - resolute strength Origin: Celtic
  • Brigitta
    The name Brigitta is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Brigitta is: Derived from the Irish name Brighid, meaning 'the high one' or 'strength.' Brighid was a mythological Celtic goddess of fire and poetry. This name has been used regularly in the British Isles since the 17th century.'Strength.
    Meaning: Strong. Origin: Celtic
  • Brite
    Celtic Meaning: The name Brite is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brite is: From Britain.
    Meaning: From Britain. Origin: Celtic
  • Brites
    Celtic Meaning: The name Brite is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brite is: From Britain.
    Meaning: Strength Origin: Celtic
  • Broin
    Meaning: Raven. Origin: Celtic
  • Brone
    Irish Meaning: The name Brone is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Brone is: Sorrowful.
    Meaning: Sorrow Origin: Celtic
  • Brygid
    Meaning: Strong. Origin: Celtic
  • Bssil
    Meaning. "royal, kingly, brave, valiant, chivalrous" in Greek; "brave, fearless, intrepid" in Arabic. The name Basil (royal, kingly) comes from the male Greek name Vassilios (Greek: Βασίλειος, female version Bασιλική), which first appeared during the Hellenistic period.
    Meaning: Battle. Origin: Celtic