List of Czech, Greek Baby Names Meanings Starting with (M) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 4 unique names in our collection from Czech, greek origin.
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  • Marketa - MAR-keh-tah
    In greek the meaning is pearl. Personal experiences with the name Marketa: | Edit Share what you know!
    Meaning: Pearl Origin: Czech, Greek
  • Mikolas - MI-kaw-lash
    Greek Meaning: The name Mikolas is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Mikolas is: People's victory.
    Meaning: People's triumph Origin: Czech, Greek
  • Mikula - MI-koo-lah
    Mikula Name Meaning. Polish (Mikula), Ukrainian (Mykula), Czech and Slovak (Mikula): from Slavic forms of the Greek personal name Nikolaos (see Nicholas).
    Meaning: People's triumph Origin: Czech, Greek
  • Mikulas - MI-koo-lash
    Mikulas Name Meaning. Czech and Slovak (Mikuláš): from a pet form of the personal name Mikuláš (see Nicholas).
    Meaning: People's triumph Origin: Czech, Greek