List of Dutch, Germanic Baby Names Meanings Starting with (A) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 7 unique names in our collection from Dutch, germanic origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Dutch, germanic below:

  • Aart - AHRT
    The name Aart is an Anglo-Saxon baby name. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Aart is: Like an eagle.
  • Abbe - AH-beh
    Originally a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element adal meaning "noble".
    Meaning: Nobleman Origin: Dutch, Germanic
  • Ade - AH-deh
    African Meaning: The name Ade is an African baby name. In African the meaning of the name Ade is: royal.
    Meaning: Man of nobility Origin: Dutch, Germanic
  • Aldert - AHL-dert
    Origin. Meaning. Noble and bright. Albert is a masculine given name. It is derived from the Germanic words adal "noble" and beraht - "bright".
    Meaning: Noble strength Origin: Dutch, Germanic
  • Aleid - AH-liet 
    The meaning of the name “Aleid” is: “Noble kind; of the noble sort”.
  • Arend - AH-rent
    Arend Name Meaning. Dutch and North German: from a personal name of Germanic origin, derived from the elements arn 'eagle' + wald 'rule'. Compare German Arndt.
  • Arnoud - AHR-nood
    The name Arnaud is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Arnaud is: Derived from an old German name meaning eagle power. The eagle rules. Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, and used for a number of English surnames. Famous bearer: British poet and critic Matthew Arnold.