List of Dutch, Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (C) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 3 unique names in our collection from Dutch, latin origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Dutch, latin below:

  • Cees - KAY:S
    Kees (pronounced like Case) is a masculine given name common in the Netherlands, originally derived from the name Cornelis. An alternate spelling is Cees.
    Meaning: Horn Origin: Dutch, Latin
  • Cilla - SI-lah
    English Meaning: The name Cilla is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Cilla is: A made famous by 1960s British singer CilIa Black, who was born Priscilla White.
    Meaning: Blinded Origin: Dutch, Latin, Swedish
  • Cokkie - KAW-kee
    The meaning of the name “Cookie ” is: “One who is cute; sweet biscuit”. Additional information: Usually used as a nick name or pet name. Categories: English Names, Nicknames or Pet Names. Used in: English speaking countries. Gender: Girl Names.
    Meaning: Horn Origin: Dutch, Latin