List of English Baby Names Meanings Starting with (L) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 456 unique names in our collection from English origin.
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  • Lyssa
    The name Lyssa is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Lyssa is: Honey. Abbreviation of Melissa; Lissandra; Alyssa.
    Meaning: Noble sort Origin: English
  • Lyudmila
    Ludmila or Ludmilla (in origin sounds like Luedmeela) is a female given name of Slavic origin and consists of two elements: lud ("people") and mila ("dear, love"). Because the initial L is mostly soft (palatalized), it is sometimes also transcribed Lyudmila, Lyudmyla or Ljudmila, and is written as Ľudmila in Slovak.
    Meaning: Honey abbreviation of melissa, lissandra, alyssa Origin: English
  • Lyulf
    English Meaning: The name Lyulf is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Lyulf is: A compound of the Old English words for 'flame' and 'wolf'.
    Meaning: A compound of the Old English words for flame and wolf. Origin: English
  • Lyulph
    English Meaning: The name Lyulph is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Lyulph is: A compound of the Old English words for 'flame' and 'wolf'.
    Meaning: Variant of Lyulf: A compound of the Old English words for flame and wolf. Origin: English
  • Lyvia
    The name Lyvia is a Female name. English meaning: The name Lyvia is a English baby name The English meaning of Lyvia is: Olive tree.
    Meaning: Life ancient roman name abbreviation of olivia Origin: English
  • Lyzbeth
    Meaning: Abbreviation of elizabeth Origin: English