List of French, Germanic Baby Names Meanings Starting with (L) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 3 unique names in our collection from French, germanic origin.
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  • Lockhart - LAHK-hahrt
    Lockhart Name Meaning. Scottish: of uncertain origin, probably from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements loc 'lock', 'bolt' + hard 'hardy', 'brave', 'strong'. English: occupational name for a herdsman in charge of a sheep or cattlefold, from Old English loc 'enclosure', 'fold' + hierde 'herd(er)'.
    Meaning: Fresh water fish Origin: French, Germanic
  • Lorand - lo-RAHN
    The different meanings of the name Lorand are: French meaning: Crowned with laurel. Hungarian meaning: Famous country, crowned with Laurel.
    Meaning: Famous land Origin: French, Germanic
  • Loring - LAWR-ing
    The different meanings of the name Loring are: French meaning: From Lorraine. German meaning: Famous in war. Teutonic meaning: Son of the famous warrior. A man from Lorraine, a former French province (now part of Alsace*Lorraine)
    Meaning: Son of a well known warrior Origin: French, Germanic