List of French, Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (Ch) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from French, latin origin.
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  • Chevalier - sheh-vah-LYEH
    Chevalier Name Meaning. French: from Old French chevalier 'knight' (literally 'horseman', 'rider', from Late Latin caballarius, a derivative of caballus 'horse'). In the Middle Ages only men of comparative wealth were able to afford the upkeep of a riding horse.
    Meaning: A member of the nobility Origin: French, Latin
  • Chevy - SHEH-vee
    The name Chevy is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Chevy is: Horseman; knight. An abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase.
    Meaning: A member of the nobility Origin: French, Latin