List of French Baby Names Meanings Starting with (Q) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 5 unique names in our collection from French origin.
Get modern, unique names list for French below:

  • Quennel
    The meaning of the name “Quennel” is: “small oak tree”. Categories: French Names.
    Meaning: From the little oak tree Origin: French
  • Quennell
    The meaning of the name “Quennell” is: “Oak Tree”.
    Meaning: Oak tree Origin: French
  • Quesnel
    French Meaning: The name Quesnel is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Quesnel is: From the little oak tree.
    Meaning: From the little oak tree Origin: French
  • Quita
    Spanish Origin. "Little Girl" The meaning of the name Quita is Little Girl. The origin of the name Quita is Spanish.
    Meaning: Calm Origin: French
  • Quiterie
    Origin: French/Latin. Meaning: Tranquil, calm, peaceful. French Name Day: May 20. Famous real-life people named Quiterie: | Edit. Sainte Quitterie aka Santa Quiteria (in Spanish)
    Meaning: Tranquil Origin: French