List of Germanic, Norwegian Baby Names Meanings Starting with (H) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Germanic, norwegian origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Germanic, norwegian below:

  • Hedda - HE-dah
    In German the meaning of the name Hedda is: Refuge in war or struggle. Strife. Vigorous battle maiden. A . The heroine of the Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen's play 'Hedda Gahler'.
  • Hildur - HIL-door
    Hildur is one of several female given names derived from the name Hild formed from Old Norse hildr, meaning "battle". Hild, a Nordic-German Bellona, was a Valkyrie who conveyed fallen warriors to Valhalla. Warfare was often called Hild's Game.