List of Hawaiian, Hebrew Baby Names Meanings Starting with (M) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 3 unique names in our collection from Hawaiian, hebrew origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Hawaiian, hebrew below:

  • Makaio - mah-KAH-yoh
    The meaning of the name “Makaio” is: “Gift of God”. Categories: Hawaiian Names, Pacific Islander Names, Polynesian Names, Unisex Names. Used in: Hawaiian speaking countries. Gender: Both, Boy Names, Girl Names. Origins: Hawaiian.
    Meaning: God has rewarded Origin: Hawaiian, Hebrew
  • Mele - MEH-leh
    Meanings and history of the name Mele: | Edit. Means "song" in Hawaiian. Also the Hawaiian form of Mary.
    Meaning: Rebellious woman Origin: Hawaiian, Hebrew
  • Mikala - mee-KAH-lah
    Mikala is an effeminate form of Michael. it means "like God" or "one who is like God". Kamila and Mikala are anagrams of each other; they contain the same letters. Personal experiences with the name Mikala: | Edit. My daughter is named Mikala.
    Meaning: Who is Yahwe Origin: Hawaiian, Hebrew