List of Hebr Baby Names Meanings Starting with (C) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 95 unique names in our collection from Hebr origin.
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  • Coby - KO-bee
    The meaning of Coby has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Coby are: Hebrew meaning: Supplanter; held by the heel. Latin meaning: Supplanter; held by the heel.
    Meaning: He who supplants Origin: Hebrew
  • Cochava
    The name Cochava is a Female name. Hebrew meaning: The name Cochava is a Hebrew baby name The Hebrew meaning of Cochava is: Star.
    Meaning: Star. Origin: Hebrew
  • Cohen - KO-ən
    Cohen is a Hebrew name (כהן) which literally means "priest" (mostly of the Jewish religion). It's also a common Jewish surname which represents an ancient biblical priestly heritage. ... The surname "Cohen" is the most common surname in Israel, but it isn't commonly used as a first name.
    Meaning: Priest Origin: Hebrew
  • Coos - KOOS
    The different meanings of the name Coos are: Hebrew meaning: Supplanter; held by the heel. Latin meaning: Supplanter; held by the heel.
    Meaning: Following after Origin: Hebrew
  • Csilla
    Csilla (Hungarian: [ˈt͡ʃillɒ]) is a Hungarian feminine given name that comes from the Hungarian word csillag, literally meaning star. The name may refer to people: Csilla Paraicz.
    Meaning: Defender. Origin: Hebrew