List of Hebrew, Swedish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (H) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Hebrew, swedish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Hebrew, swedish below:

  • Hampus - HAHM-poos
    Meanings and history of the name Hampus: | Edit. Swedish diminutive for Hans or from the Old German name Hampo based on Hamprecht ("bright house".) Another source suggests Hamprecht was formed from the elements Hagano (hawthorn) and Berht (bright).
    Meaning: God is merciful Origin: Hebrew, Swedish
  • Hasse - HAHS-she
    Hasse Name Meaning. German and Dutch: variant of Hass 1. English: topographic name from an unattested Old English word, hasse 'coarse grass', or a habitational name from a minor place, such as The Hasse in Soham, Cambridgeshire, named from this word.
    Meaning: God is merciful Origin: Hebrew, Swedish