List of Hungarian, Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (B) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 4 unique names in our collection from Hungarian, latin origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Hungarian, latin below:

  • Balazs - BAW-lahzh
    Origin of the name Blaise: Borrowed from the French, Blaise is of uncertain etymology. Some believe it is derived from the Latin Blaesus, which is from blaesus (deformed, stuttering). Var: Blaize, Blayze, Blaze. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.
    Meaning: Stammering, Stuttering Origin: Hungarian, Latin
  • Balint - BAH-lint
    Latin Meaning: The name Balint is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Balint is: Strong and healthy.
    Meaning: Hale and healthy Origin: Hungarian, Latin
  • Bence - BEN-tse
    Bence is a Hungarian male given name, which is a form of Vincent, derived from the Latin verb vincere, meaning "to conquer" or "to win".
    Meaning: The one who conquered Origin: Hungarian, Latin
  • Benedek - BE-ne-dek
    The different meanings of the name Benedek are: Latin meaning: Blessed. Hungarian meaning: Blessed.
    Meaning: The blessed one Origin: Hungarian, Latin