List of Irish, Scottish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (C) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 3 unique names in our collection from Irish, scottish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Irish, scottish below:

  • Cairbre - KAHR-bra
    Celtic Meaning: The name Cairbre is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Cairbre is: Charioteer.
    Meaning: One who rides in a chariot Origin: Gaelic, Irish, Scottish
  • Caitriona - ka-TCHREE-un-na
    Catriona (pronounced either phonetically or similar to "Katrina") is a feminine given name in the English language. It is an Anglicisation of Caitrìona and Caitríona, which are mutual to both the Irish and Scottish Gaelic languages.
    Meaning: Chaste, Pure Origin: Greek, Irish, Scottish
  • Conall - KON-ul
    Means "strong wolf" in Gaelic. This is the name of several characters in Irish legend including the hero Conall Cernach ("Conall of the victories"), a member of the Red Branch of Ulster, who avenged Cúchulainn's death by killing Lugaid.
    Meaning: Powerful wolf Origin: Gaelic, Irish, Scottish