List of Israeli Baby Names Meanings Starting with (K) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 34 unique names in our collection from Israeli origin.
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  • Kishon
    The name Kishon is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Kishon is: Hard, sore.
    Meaning: Hard sore Origin: Israeli
  • Kittim
    Kittim was a settlement in present-day Larnaca on the west coast of Cyprus, known in ancient times as Kition, or (in Latin) Citium. On this basis, the whole island became known as "Kittim" in Hebrew, including the Hebrew Bible. However the name seems to have been employed with some flexibility in Hebrew literature.
    Meaning: Breaking bruising small gold coloring Origin: Israeli
  • Kohath
    Onomastics. According to biblical scholars, the meaning of Kehath's name is unknown, though it may derive from an Aramaic word meaning obey.
    Meaning: Congregation wrinkle bluntness Origin: Israeli
  • Kolariah
    In Biblical the meaning of the name Kolariah is: Voice of the Lord.
    Meaning: Voice of the lord Origin: Israeli