List of Japanese Baby Names Meanings Starting with (S) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 33 unique names in our collection from Japanese origin.
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  • Suzu
    Suzu is also a female name in Japan meaning "Bell" or "Tin". The kanji for suzu is often used to form a compound name, such as the well-known surname Suzuki, meaning "bell and tree".
    Meaning: Little bell Origin: Japanese
  • Suzue
    Suzue (written: 鈴江 or すずえ in hiragana) is a feminine Japanese given name.
    Meaning: Branch of little bell Origin: Japanese
  • Suzuki
    Suzuki (鈴木) is a common Japanese surname meaning "bell wood", "bell tree" or "bud tree". As of 2008, it is the second most common, after Satō, surname in Japan, with 1.9 million people registered. It is also used for many businesses.
    Meaning: Bell tree Origin: Japanese