List of Latin, Russian Baby Names Meanings Starting with (M) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Latin, russian origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Latin, russian below:

  • Maksim - mahk-SEEM
    Etymology & Historical Origin - Maksim. Maxim and Maksim are both transcriptions of the Russian Максим which is equivalent to the Latin Maximus. Maximus originated as a Roman cognomen (nickname) in ancient times from the Latin word for “the greatest”.
    Meaning: The great Origin: Latin, Russian
  • Matrona - mah-TROH-nah
    Given Name MATRONA. GENDER: Feminine. USAGE: Russian, Late Roman. OTHER SCRIPTS: Матрона (Russian)
    Meaning: Lady-like Origin: Latin, Russian