List of Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (D) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 84 unique names in our collection from Latin origin.
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  • Demyan - dyem-YAHN
    Origin of the name Damian: Derived from the Greek Damianos, which is thought to be from damān (to tame). Var: Damon, Daymian, Daymon. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.
    Meaning: A tamer Origin: Latin, Russian
  • Deshayla
    Meaning: Blind Origin: Latin
  • Desir
    Desir Name Meaning. French (Désir): from the personal name Désir, a development of Latin Desiderius.
    Meaning: Desired Origin: Latin
  • Desirae
    French Meaning: The name Desirae is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Desirae is: meaning 'The one desired'.
    Meaning: Desired Origin: Latin
  • Desiree - DEZ-er-ay
    Desiree or Desirée /ˈdɛ.zi.reɪ/ is a female given name. It is an anglicization of the French name Désirée meaning desired. The Puritans used the name Desire as a given name for females.
    Meaning: Longed for Origin: Latin
  • Destiny - DES-tə-nee
    The name Destiny is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Destiny is: Certain fortune; fate. The mythological Greek god of fate.
    Meaning: Determined Origin: Latin
  • Dext
    Meaning: Dyer Origin: Latin
  • Dextah
    Meaning: Dyer Origin: Latin
  • Dextar
    From an occupational surname meaning "one who dyes" in Old English. It also coincides with the Latin word dexter meaning "right-handed, skilled".
    Meaning: Dyer Origin: Latin
  • Dextor
    From an occupational surname meaning "one who dyes" in Old English. It also coincides with the Latin word dexter meaning "right-handed, skilled".
    Meaning: Dyer Origin: Latin
  • Di - DIE
    The name Di is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Di is: The French form of the Latin Diana. Mythological ancient Roman divinity Diana was noted for beauty and swiftness; often depicted as a huntress. Greek goddess of the moon.
    Meaning: Divine woman Origin: Latin
  • Diamand
    Diamond is a feminine given name derived from the name of the diamond gemstone. The word is derived from the Greek adamas. The name was the 359th most popular name for baby girls born in the United States in 2007.
    Meaning: Precious stone Origin: Latin
  • Diamind
    Diamond is a feminine given name derived from the name of the diamond gemstone. The word is derived from the Greek adamas. The name was the 359th most popular name for baby girls born in the United States in 2007.
    Meaning: Precious stone Origin: Latin
  • Diana - die-AN-ə
    Probably derived from an old Indo-European root meaning "heavenly, divine", related to dyeus (see ZEUS). Diana was a Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, forests, and childbirth, often identified with the Greek goddess Artemis. As a given name, Diana has been regularly used since the Renaissance.
    Meaning: Divine Origin: Latin
  • Diane - die-AN
    The name Diane is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Diane is: The French form of the Latin Diana. Famous bearer: Diane de Poitiers, mistress of France's King Henri II.Divine. Mythological ancient Roman divinity Diana was noted for beauty and swiftness; often depicted as a huntress.
    Meaning: Of the divine, in mythology, goddess of the moon and the hunt Origin: Latin
  • Diannah
    Latin Meaning: The name Diana is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Diana is: Fertile. God, devine. Famous bearers: Diana was the Roman goddess of fertility and childbirth, of hunting, and the moon.
    Meaning: Hunter Origin: Latin
  • Dianne
    The name Dianne is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Dianne is: The French form of the Latin Diana. Famous bearer: Diane de Poitiers, mistress of France's King Henri II.Divine. Mythological ancient Roman divinity Diana was noted for beauty and swiftness; often depicted as a huntress.
    Meaning: Of the divine, in mythology, goddess of the moon and the hunt Origin: Latin
  • Didier - deed-YAY
    Didier Family History. Didier Name Meaning. French: from the personal name (Latin Desiderius, a derivative of desiderium 'desire', 'longing', given either to a longed-for child as an expression of the Christian's spiritual longing for God).
    Meaning: Craving, Longing Origin: Latin
  • Diella
    Latin Meaning: The name Diella is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Diella is: Worships God.
    Meaning: Worships God Origin: Latin
  • Dieudonn
    Dieudonné is a French name meaning "Gift of God" and thus similar to the Greek-derived Theodore. It can refer to: As a given name.
    Meaning: Given by god Origin: Latin
  • Dillian
    The different meanings of the name Dillian are: American meaning: Derivative: Combination of Dillon and Gillian. Latin meaning: worshipped one.
    Meaning: Worshipped one Origin: Latin
  • Diogo - DYAW-go
    Portuguese form of DIEGO. This name was borne by the 15th-century Portuguese explorer Diogo Cão.
    Meaning: Doctrine Origin: Latin, Portuguese
  • Dionne
    American Meaning: The name Dionne is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Dionne is: A, derived from Dionysius, the Greek god of wine. Also From the sacred spring. The mythological Dione was wife to Zeus and mother of Aphrodite.
    Meaning: Divine Origin: Latin
  • Dom - DAHM
    The name Dom is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Dom is: The Lord's.
    Meaning: Lord's child Origin: Latin
  • Domenico - doh-meh-NEE-koh
    The name Domenico is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Domenico is: Latin Dominic 'of the lord.
    Meaning: Lord's child Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Dominga - do-MEEN-gah
    Spanish Meaning: The name Dominga is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Dominga is: Born on Sunday. Of the Lord.
    Meaning: Lord's child Origin: Latin
  • Domingo - do-MEENG-go
    Domingo Name Meaning. Spanish: from a personal name (Latin Dominicus meaning 'of the Lord', from dominus 'lord', 'master').
    Meaning: Born on a sunday Origin: Latin
  • Domingos - daw-MIN-gaws
    Domingo Name Meaning. Spanish: from a personal name (Latin Dominicus meaning 'of the Lord', from dominus 'lord', 'master').
    Meaning: Lord's child Origin: Latin, Portuguese
  • Domini
    The different meanings of the name Domini are: Latin meaning: Lord. English meaning: Lord.
    Meaning: Lord Origin: Latin
  • Dominic - DAHM-ə-nik
    Dominic is a name common among Roman Catholics and other Latin-Romans as a boys name. Originally from the late Roman-Italic name "Dominicus" its translation means, "Lordly", "Belonging to God" or "of the Master".
    Meaning: Belonging to god Origin: Latin