List of Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (G) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 49 unique names in our collection from Latin origin.
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  • Glorey
    Meanings and history of the name Glory: | Edit. From the Latin gloria, meaning "worship, praise" or "valor". A tribute to our countries flag 'Old Glory' Glory is a patriotic name. Famous real-life people named Glory: | Edit Share what you know!
    Meaning: Glory Origin: Latin
  • Gloreya
    Latin Meaning: The name Gloria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Gloria is: Glory. Famous bearer: a character in playright George Bernard Shaw's 'You Never Can Tell', and American actress Gloria Swanson.
    Meaning: Glory Origin: Latin
  • Gloria - GLAWR-ee-ə
    Latin Meaning: The name Gloria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Gloria is: Glory. Famous bearer: a character in playright George Bernard Shaw's 'You Never Can Tell', and American actress Gloria Swanson.
    Meaning: Woman of glory Origin: English, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Glorya
    Meanings and history of the name Gloria: | Edit. From Latin, meaning "glory". The implication is praise to God.
    Meaning: Glory Origin: Latin
  • Godeleva
    Godeleva Name meaning in Urdu is -- , a Christian English Girl name with lucky number is -- and Godeleva Name meaning in English is Good life, from godelief. Name. Godeleva.
    Meaning: Good life, from godelief Origin: Latin
  • Graca - GRAH-sa
    The name Graca is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Graca is: Grace.
    Meaning: Elegant and graceful woman Origin: Latin, Portuguese
  • Grace
    Origin of the name Grace: Inspired by grace (eloquence or beauty of form, kindness, mercy, favor), which is derived from the Latin gratia (favor, thanks). The name was made popular by 17th-century Puritans, who bestowed it in reference to God's favor and love toward mankind.
    Meaning: Good will, Graceful Origin: Latin
  • Gracee
    Inspired by grace (eloquence or beauty of form, kindness, mercy, favor), which is derived from the Latin gratia (favor, thanks). The name was made popular by 17th-century Puritans, who bestowed it in reference to God's favor and love toward mankind. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.
    Meaning: Having god Origin: Latin
  • Gracelin
    The name Grace is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Grace is: From the word 'grace', derived from the Latin 'gratia', meaning God's favor. Famous bearer: American actress Grace Kelly became Princess Grace of Monaco.
    Meaning: Grace Origin: Latin
  • Gracelynn
    Inspired by grace (eloquence or beauty of form, kindness, mercy, favor), which is derived from the Latin gratia (favor, thanks). The name was made popular by 17th-century Puritans, who bestowed it in reference to God's favor and love toward mankind.
    Meaning: A combination of grace & lynn Origin: Latin
  • Gracelynne
    The name Grace is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Grace is: From the word 'grace', derived from the Latin 'gratia', meaning God's favor. Famous bearer: American actress Grace Kelly became Princess Grace of Monaco.
    Meaning: A combination of grace & lynn Origin: Latin
  • Gracie
    Origin of the name Gracie: Inspired by grace (eloquence or beauty of form, kindness, mercy, favor), which is derived from the Latin gratia (favor, thanks). The name was made popular by 17th-century Puritans, who bestowed it in reference to God's favor and love toward mankind.
    Meaning: A familiar form of grace Origin: Latin
  • Graciee
    English Meaning: The name Grace is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Grace is: From the word 'grace', derived from the Latin 'gratia', meaning God's favor. Famous bearer: American actress Grace Kelly became Princess Grace of Monaco.
    Meaning: Having god Origin: Latin
  • Gram
    Latin Meaning: The name Gram is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Gram is: Grain.
    Meaning: Grain Origin: Latin
  • Gussie - GUS-ee
    Gussie is a shortened version of the given name Augustus or Augusta, Gustave or others.
    Meaning: Exalted Origin: Latin
  • Gusta - GOOS-tah
    The name Gusta is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Gusta is: Majestic, grand. The feminine form of Augustus; meaning majestic dignity or venerable, originally given to female relatives of Roman emperors.
    Meaning: Exalted Origin: Latin
  • Guus - KHUYS
    Guus [gu-us] as a boys' name is a Latin name, and the meaning of Guus is "great, magnificient". Guus is an alternate form of Augustus (Latin). ASSOCIATED WITH great.
    Meaning: Exalted Origin: Dutch, Latin
  • Guyon
    English Meaning: The name Guyon is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Guyon is: Lively.
    Meaning: Wood, wide Origin: Latin
  • Gyula - DYOO-law
    Gyula (Yula, Gula, Gila) was, according to Muslim and Byzantine sources, the title of one of the leaders, the second in rank, of the Hungarian tribal federation in the 9th–10th centuries. In the earliest Hungarian sources, the title name is only recorded as a personal name (Gyyla, Geula, Gyla, Iula).
    Meaning: Wearing a soft beard Origin: Hungarian, Latin