List of Native Ame... Baby Names Meanings Starting with (W) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Native ame... origin.
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  • Winona
    Winona is a feminine given name, an Anglicized form of the Dakota descriptive term, Winúŋna, meaning "firstborn daughter." People with the name or variations thereof include: The daughter of the Dakota Sioux Chief Wapasha III, sometimes identified with the legendary figure, Winona.
    Meaning: Eldest daughter Origin: Native Ame...
  • Wynona
    Winona is a feminine given name, an Anglicized form of the Dakota descriptive term, Winúŋna, meaning "firstborn daughter." People with the name or variations thereof include: The daughter of the Dakota Sioux Chief Wapasha III, sometimes identified with the legendary figure, Winona.
    Meaning: Eldest daughter Origin: Native Ame...