List of Norwegian, Old Norse, Swedish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (E) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 3 unique names in our collection from Norwegian, old norse, swedish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Norwegian, old norse, swedish below:

  • Egil - EE-yeh-gil
    Norse Meaning: The name Egil is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Egil is: Inspires fright.
    Meaning: Respect, horror Origin: Danish, Norwegian, Old Norse, Swedish
  • Einar - IE-nahr
    From the Old Norse name Einarr, derived from the elements ein "one, alone" and arr "warrior". This name shares the same roots as einherjar, the word for the slain warriors in Valhalla.
    Meaning: One who fights alone Origin: Danish, Norwegian, Old Norse, Swedish
  • Embla - EHM-blah
    In Norse mythology, Embla was the first woman. Her name comes from the Old Norse word for 'elm'. ... The mythological story of Embla appears in the Poetic Edda (compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources)and also in the Prose Edda (written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson).
    Meaning: Elm tree Origin: Danish, Norwegian, Old Norse, Swedish