List of Polish, Russian Baby Names Meanings Starting with (B) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Polish, russian origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Polish, russian below:

  • Bogdan - BAWG-dahn
    Bogdan or Bohdan (Cyrillic: Богдан) is a Slavic masculine name that also appears in Romania and Moldova. It is derived from the Slavic words Bog/Boh (Cyrillic: Бог), meaning "god", and dan (Cyrillic: дан), meaning "gift". ... The name is also used as a surname.
    Meaning: God has rendered Origin: Polish, Russian, Slavic
  • Bogdana - bawg-DAH-nah
    Bogdan or Bohdan (Cyrillic: Богдан) is a Slavic masculine name that also appears in Romania and Moldova. It is derived from the Slavic words Bog/Boh (Cyrillic: Бог), meaning "god", and dan (Cyrillic: дан), meaning "gift".
    Meaning: Lord has rendered Origin: Polish, Russian, Slavic