List of Spanish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (B) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 34 unique names in our collection from Spanish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Spanish below:

  • Brysa
    [ syll. bry-sa, br-ysa ] The baby girl name Brysa is pronounced BRihSAH †. Brysa is of Old Greek origin. Brysa is a form of the English and Spanish Brisa. Brysa is a baby girl name of irregular use.
    Meaning: Breeze Origin: Spanish
  • Bryssa
    Spanish Meaning: The name Bryssa is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Bryssa is: From Briseis, the woman Achilles loved in Homer's Iliad.
    Meaning: Breeze Origin: Spanish
  • Buena - BWEH-nah
    Spanish Meaning: The name Buena is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Buena is: Good.
    Meaning: Woman of good Origin: Spanish
  • Buinton
    Burlington Name Meaning. English: habitational name from Bridlington in East Yorkshire. The place name, which was formerly pronounced locally as Burlington, is recorded in Domesday Book as Bretlinton 'estate (Old English tun) associated with a man called Berhtel'.
    Meaning: Born fifth Origin: Spanish