List of Spanish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (C) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 96 unique names in our collection from Spanish origin.
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  • Cruz - KROOS
    Cruz Name Meaning. Spanish and Portuguese: from a common and widespread religious Christian personal name from cruz 'cross' (Latin crux), or a habitational name from any of numerous places named Cruz or La Cruz, from this word.
    Meaning: Cross Origin: Spanish
  • Cuartio
    Meaning: Born fourth Origin: Spanish
  • Cuarto
    From the personal name Quarto, from Latin Quartus, meaning 'fourth', a name given to a fourth son. habitational name from any of the numerous places so named throughout Italy. Similar surnames: Quinto, Puerto, Quast, Canto, Marton, Barton, Garton, Quint, Tarte.
    Meaning: Born fourth Origin: Spanish
  • Currito
    Meaning: Free Origin: Spanish
  • Curro
    Curro Name Meaning. Southern Italian (Currò): from a reduced form (via Corrào, Currào) of the Germanic personal name Corrado, Italian equivalent of Konrad. Southern Italian: possibly a derogatory nickname from medieval Greek korros 'lazy'.
    Meaning: Free Origin: Spanish
  • Cyntia
    Spanish Meaning: The name Cyntia is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Cyntia is: name Cynthia - one of the names of the mythological mood goddess Artemis referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus.
    Meaning: Variant of Greek name Cynthia - one of the names of the mythological mood goddess Artemis referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus. Origin: Spanish