List of Spanish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (E) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 63 unique names in our collection from Spanish origin.
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  • Ezequias - eh-zeh-KEE-ahs
    ezequias. LANGUAGE FAMILY: afro-asiatic > semitic > central semitic > hebrew ORIGIN: hebrew NAME ROOT: YECHIZQı̂YÂH / YECHIZQı̂YÂHÛ NATIVE NAME ROOT: YECHIZQı̂YÂH / YECHIZQı̂YÂHÛ (יְחִזְקִיָּהוּ) MEANING: This name derives from the Hebrew “yechizqı̂yâh / yechizqı̂yâhû”, meaning “strengthened by Yahweh”.
    Meaning: God provides strength Origin: Hebrew, Spanish
  • Ezmeralda
    Spanish Meaning: The name Ezmeralda is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Ezmeralda is: The prized green emerald gemstone.
    Meaning: Emerald Origin: Spanish
  • Ezmerelda
    Spanish Meaning: The name Esmerelda is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Esmerelda is: Emerald.
    Meaning: Emerald Origin: Spanish