List of Spanish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (G) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 34 unique names in our collection from Spanish origin.
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  • Guadalupe
    Guadalupe is a feminine given name in the Spanish language. The name initially designated the Guadalupe river in the province of Extremadura, Spain. See the article about the river for the hypotheses on the origin of the name. ... The apparition and the image it made famous became known as Our Lady of Guadalupe.
    Meaning: From the valley of wolves, River name Origin: Spanish
  • Guillermina
    The meaning of the name “Guillermina” is: “Loving, Resolute protector”. Categories: Spanish Names.
    Meaning: Loving Origin: Spanish
  • Gustava
    Origin and Meaning. 1) Female form of Gustav and Gustavus (see Gustaf) 2) Variant form of Augusta.
    Meaning: Staff of the gods Origin: Spanish
  • Gustovo
    Gustavo is a Spanish, Italian and Portuguese male given name derived from Gustav /ˈɡʊstɑːv/, also spelled Gustaf, of Old Swedish origin, possibly meaning "staff of the Geats", derived from the Old Norse elements Gautr ("Geat") and stafr ("staff").
    Meaning: Leader of the tribe Origin: Spanish