List of Spanish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (P) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 37 unique names in our collection from Spanish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Spanish below:

  • Prudencia
    Spanish Meaning: The name Prudencia is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Prudencia is: Prudent.
    Meaning: Prudent Origin: Spanish
  • Puebla
    Spanish Meaning: The name Puebla is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Puebla is: From the city.
    Meaning: From the city Origin: Spanish
  • Pueblo
    "Pueblo" is a Spanish term meaning "village" or "town." This word is used both to describe a style of building (adobe-and-stone pueblo) and to refer to specific groups of American Indians who live in pueblos and come from an agricultural tradition.
    Meaning: From the city Origin: Spanish
  • Pura
    Spanish Meaning: The name Pura is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Pura is: Pure.
    Meaning: Pure Origin: Spanish
  • Pureza
    Meaning: Pure Origin: Spanish
  • Purisima
    Spanish Meaning: The name Purisima is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Purisima is: Pure.
    Meaning: Pure Origin: Spanish
  • Pylar
    Means "pillar" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, María del Pilar, meaning "Mary of the Pillar".
    Meaning: Pillar Origin: Spanish