List of Spanish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (S) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 39 unique names in our collection from Spanish origin.
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  • Sevilla
    Sevilla Name Meaning Spanish: habitational name from the city of this name, the capital of Andalusia, in southwestern Spain. The city is extremely ancient, having reputedly been founded by the Phoenicians. The origin of the name is obscure, presumably Phoenician.
    Meaning: The name of a city Origin: Spanish
  • Seville
    Contribute your knowledge to the name Sevilla. ... The girl's name Sevilla s(e)-villa, sev(il)-la is of Spanish origin. Variant of Sibyl (Greek) "prophetess, oracle". Also the name of an ancient city in southern Spain, home of painter Diego Velazquez and the setting of Bizet's famous opera "Carmen".
    Meaning: A spanish city Origin: Spanish
  • Sierra
    Irish Meaning: The name Sierra is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Sierra is: Dark. Feminine of Ciaran.
    Meaning: From the jagged mountain range Origin: Spanish
  • Socorro
    Means "succour, help, relief" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary María del Socorro meaning "Mary of Perpetual Succour".
    Meaning: Helper Origin: Spanish
  • Solana
    The name Solana is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Solana is: Sunshine.
    Meaning: Sunshine Origin: Spanish
  • Soledad
    Means "solitude" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, María de Soledad, meaning "Mary of Solitude".
    Meaning: Solitude Origin: Spanish
  • Soledada
    Soledad, Spanish for "solitude", often refers to María de la Soledad (Our Lady of Solitude), a variant name of Mary the mother of Jesus, in Roman Catholic tradition.
    Meaning: Solitary Origin: Spanish
  • Sonrisa
    Meanings and history of the name Sonrisa: | Edit. Means "smile" in Spanish. Famous real-life people named Sonrisa: | Edit Share what you know! Sonrisa in song, story & screen: | Edit. Eres Tu by Mocedes (in a smile that is you, that is you)
    Meaning: Smiles Origin: Spanish
  • Suelita
    Meaning: Little lily Origin: Spanish