List of Tanzanian Baby Names Meanings Starting with (A) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 4 unique names in our collection from Tanzanian origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Tanzanian below:

  • Aailyah
    Meanings and history of the name Aaliyah: | Edit. Aaliyah means exalted, high, and sublime. This name is of Arabic, American, African, Hebrew and origin. Feminine form of AALI. It was popularized in the English-speaking world by the singer Aaliyah Haughton (1979-2001), who was known simply as Aaliyah.
    Meaning: Of the highest Origin: Tanzanian
  • Adimu
    The meaning of the name “Adimu” is: “Unique, rare, scarce”.
    Meaning: Unique Origin: Tanzanian
  • Afaafa
    The meaning of the name “Afaafa” is: “Virtuous”. Categories: African Names, Kenyan Names, Swahili Names, Tanzanian Names. Used in: African countries, Swahili speaking countries. Gender: Girl Names.
    Meaning: Virtuous Origin: Tanzanian
  • Amidah
    The meaning of the name “Amidah” is: “Upright”. Categories: Hebrew Names, Jewish Names. Used in: Hebrew speaking countries. Gender: Girl Names. Origins: Hebrew.
    Meaning: Gracious Origin: Tanzanian