List of 9 Names with "Blend of mary" in Meaning Starting with (M) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of blend of mary. We found in our database 9 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Blend of mary' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Mariaann
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: French
  • Marleene
    Marleene [mar-leene] as a name for girls has the meaning "star of the sea; from Magdala". Marleene is a variant form of Marlene (German, Latin, Greek).
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: Greek
  • Marlenee
    English Meaning: The name Marlene is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Marlene is: A compound of Maria and Magdalene.. Woman from Magdala. Famous Bearer: Film star Marlene Dietrich.
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: German
  • Marlenne
    English Meaning: The name Marlenne is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Marlenne is: Feminine of Marlon. Also a Woman from Magdala.
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: Greek
  • Marriam
    Marriam - Detailed Meaning. Your first name of Marriam gives you a friendly, congenial personality and causes you to desire activities involving people. You are assertive and independent, yet there are times when you rely upon the support and encouragement of others before making decisions and taking action.
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: French
  • Marrian
    Origin of the name Marian: Variant of Marion, a French diminutive form of Marie, which is derived from the Hebrew Miryām, a name of debated meaning. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow."
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: French
  • Marriana
    Origin of the name Marianna: A name that originated as an extended spelling of Marian, a variant of Marion which is a French diminutive form of Marie, a cognate of Mary. It is now used as a hybrid, combining the names Mary and Anne. Var: Mariann, Marianne, Mary Ann, Mary Anna, Mary Anne.
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: French
  • Marriann
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: French
  • Marrianna
    Origin of the name Marianna: A name that originated as an extended spelling of Marian, a variant of Marion which is a French diminutive form of Marie, a cognate of Mary. It is now used as a hybrid, combining the names Mary and Anne. Var: Mariann, Marianne, Mary Ann, Mary Anna, Mary Anne.
    Meaning: Blend of mary Origin: French