List of 4 Names with "Blind" in Meaning Starting with (Sh) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of blind. We found in our database 4 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Blind' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Sheyla
    Blind. POPULARITY: 3046. Sheyla as a girl's name is of Irish Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Sheyla is "blind". Sheyla is related to the name Sheila.
    Meaning: Blind, Pine tree Origin: Arabic
  • Shelia
    The name Sheila is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Sheila is: From the Latin Caelia, which is a feminine form of the Roman clan name Caelius, meaning heavenly, or of the heavens. Also a variant or dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous bearer: British actress Dame Celia Johnson'.
    Meaning: Blind Origin: Latin
  • Sheelagh
    The name Sheelagh is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Sheelagh is: From the Latin Caelia, which is a feminine form of the Roman clan name Caelius, meaning heavenly, or of the heavens. Also a variant or dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous bearer: British actress Dame Celia Johnson'.
    Meaning: Blind Origin: English
  • Shelagh
    Latin Meaning: The name Shelagh is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Shelagh is: From the Latin Caelia, which is a feminine form of the Roman clan name Caelius, meaning heavenly, or of the heavens. Also a variant or dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous bearer: British actress Dame Celia Johnson'.
    Meaning: Blind Origin: English