List of 5 Names with "Bright fame" in Meaning Starting with (R) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of bright fame. We found in our database 5 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Bright fame' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Roberta
    The name Roberta is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Roberta is: Famed, bright; shining. An all-time favorite boys' name since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish national hero Robert the Bruce and novelist Robert Ludlum.
    Meaning: Bright fame Origin: Germanic
  • Roberto
    Portuguese Meaning: The name Roberto is a Portuguese baby name. In Portuguese the meaning of the name Roberto is: Famed; bright; shining.
    Meaning: Bright fame Origin: Germanic
  • Robyn
    The meaning of the name Robyn is Bright Fame (in German). There are several common variations, including Robbin, Robine, Robyne, Robynne, and Robbyn. Robyn is a form of the English, German, and Italian Roberta/ Robert (m) Famous real-life people named Robyn: | Edit.
    Meaning: Bright fame Origin: Germanic
  • Robi
    Hungarian meaning: The name Robi is a Hungarian baby name The Hungarian meaning of Robi is: Shining with fame.
    Meaning: Bright Fame, Shining with Fame Origin: Hindi
  • Robynne
    The meaning of the name Robyn is Bright Fame (in German). There are several common variations, including Robbin, Robine, Robyne, Robynne, and Robbyn. Robyn is a form of the English, German, and Italian Roberta/ Robert (m) Famous real-life people named Robyn: | Edit.
    Meaning: Bright fame Origin: English