List of 6 Names with "Bright" in Meaning Starting with (Ch) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of bright. We found in our database 6 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Bright' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Chaithra
    Indian meaning: The name Chaitra is a Indian baby name The Indian meaning of Chaitra is: Aries sign.
    Meaning: New bright light, aries sign Origin: hindi
  • Chaitra
    Chaitra is a month of the Hindu calendar. In the standard Hindu calendar and India's national civil calendar, Chaitra is the first month of the year. It is the last month in the Bengali calendar, where it is called Choitro.
    Meaning: New bright light, aries sign Origin: hindi
  • Chitrarathi
    Meaning: With a bright chariot Origin: hindi
  • Chitrathi
    Meaning: A bright chariot Origin: hindi
  • Chanda
    Hindi Meaning: The name Chanda is a Hindi baby name. In Hindi the meaning of the name Chanda is: Shining Moon.
    Meaning: Bright, The Moon Origin: Arabic
  • Chahra Khaz
    Meaning: Bright Origin: Arabic